05:20 – Drove my car in ditch :doh:
I slowed down and corrected the steering a bit and suddenly car is pushing towards the ditch on the right side of the road, managed to steer away from that ditch, but ended up in the left sides ditch :awww:
Not really much damage to car, left headlight and bumper were the only things that took damage, + the paint job on the left side I suppose. Still had to leave it there, need something to pull it off.
Car just passed the vehicle inspection on last friday and I filled the tank when I left, so pretty annoying. :irked: …
Edit: Car is out of the ditch. It's repairable, but the question is if it's worth the trouble, it's a pretty decent car, but it is already 23 years old. Time to get a new one I think.
Not really that much damage actually:
busted headlight and bumper, both doors little bit dented and a flat tire.