Windows + getting wget to run from anywhere

Wget is a pretty handy tool for downloading things.

In linux world wget runs from anywhere in terminal (and it's installed by default), but in Windows you have to install it yourself and it only runs for the directory where it's installed in. Pretty annoying to navigate to C:\Program Files\GnuWin32\bin every time you need to use it.

So lets add wget to Environment Variables

Windows key + Break > Advanced system settings > Environment Variables > find Path, click edit and add ;C:\Program Files\GnuWin32\bin to the end. Reboot.

; is used to separate the folders, so don't forget to add it. After the reboot wget should run from anywhere.

5 Replies to “Windows + getting wget to run from anywhere”

  1. I am a Linux user, but i surely will remember this if ever a time comes !! thanks

  2. Oh, just joking about wget’s more nefarious uses, nothing more.

  3. Ah, well since I mainly use wget to download things from my own server, you can hardly blame me for leeching myself 😛

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