Koss Plug

Alas, my poor Koss Plug is dying, again. Original Plugs that I had lasted about 2 years, but these didn't even last six months. Koss products have a lifetime warranty, so it isn't really a big deal and I could just send the dying Plug back to the place where I bought it and they would fix/replace it.

The 3,5mm plug has bent so that the wire inside has broken, right plug is dead 🙁 I wouldn't be surprised if the entire wire would snap.

I been using The Plug with my laptop and I like to keep the laptop on my lap. Unfortunately the audio plug is on the front of the machine, so if I am cozily laying on my bed, part of the machines weight rests on the 3,5mm plug. Straight plug cannot take that kind of pressure, L-shaped plug could.

Since The Plug isn't that expensive, I thought that I would just buy new ones, instead of sending it to be fixed. Unfortunately when I was checking the local shops for new plugs, I noticed that most of the packages fail to mention if the 3,5mm plug is straight or L-shaped and the packages are designed so that you can't see the plug. One shop had Koss Plugs where the package said that it had L-shaped 3,5mm plug, but unfortunately that particular shop was asking almost double price for their Plugs (nearly 30€!, in most places it was about 15€ and it is only 10€ in the usual netstore where I usually buy my stuff, so I'm going to buy then from my usual place 🙂 as soon as they confirm if their Plug has the right sort of plug).

Koss website also fails to tell whether The Plug has a straight or L-shaped 3,5mm plug. I suppose they have both of them available, but Koss (and all the other earphone makers) should make it clear on the package what sort of plug the product has or make the package so that you can see the plug.

Edit: Tuesday 2010-01-19 15:00
Bah, just got a reply from the shop, apparently they only have straight plugs. Won't be buying new one from there after all 🙁
Edit2: Tuesday 2010-01-19 17:50
I also sent a message to Koss yesterday evening and asked if they could mark their packages so people could tell what type of plug they have and now they answered me already (very quick of them)

we have moved away from manufacturing products with L-Shaped, 3.5mm plugs.

The majority of the stereophones we are now shipping have straight plugs. However, it is likely that there are still some items available at retail and online with L-Shaped plugs.

too bad that it wasn't what I wanted to hear 😥
I suppose I should start hunting for those L-shaped plugs before the shops run out of them, I'm even willing to pay little bit more of the old model than of the "newer and better" version.

Leevi wants L-shaped plugs and hopes that Koss would reintroduce them back.

Edit3: Thursday 2010-01-21 17:15
Yay, happy ending. After contacting few online shops and checking most of the local shops, most of the shops had already switched/ran out of the old L-shaped plugs, but I finally found a reasonably priced Koss Plug with a L-shaped 3,5mm plug!

I got it with 23€, I could have actually bought two of the newer version at that price. 😛

Edit4: Follow up post, sent all my broken Koss gear to be fixed http://my.opera.com/Leevi/blog/2011/01/05/koss-rules